Mind! Body! Spirit!
Kay Davis in the Community (KDITC) is a nonprofit Foundation established after years of giving back to the community via performing arts, community service, under-funded school programs, and sustainable nutrition programs.
The primary goal is to provide support for deserving individuals, while partnering with organizations of similar interests.
KDITC promotes growth for mind, body and spirit!
It is our goal to provide support for under-served and underfunded programs; with Community impact as our primary focus. We believe that each one should teach one.
Dannette K. Davis - KDITC Founder
Education and Training of Individuals and/or programs via Scholarships, mentorships create relevant opportunities and exposure to real life circumstances. Early exposure to opportunity in life will assist with making legitimate career choices later.
The Arts are important to spiritual growth while education is primary for mental growth. Health and Wellness becomes the final piece to the puzzle. We want touch those in our sphere and work to impact people nearest to us.
The Foundation allows us to do more, so if you would like to help, just CLICK THIS BUTTON.
“We decide” what issues are important in our Communities then support them.
“We decide” who our heroes are and decorate them.
“ We decide” which programs our communities need and design them.
"We decide" is a necessary mantra.
Our desire at KDITC is to make a difference and be a beacon for the change we require as a Community. It all begins by giving back and paying it forward.
Programs offered and scholarship opportunities will be listed on the website. Opportunities to participate in programs we support will be updated weekly.
Thank you for your support.
Dannette K. Davis
Random Acts Of Kindness
KDITC Executive Assistant Lauren Marshall facilitates the KDITC Random Acts Of Kindness (RAK) program.
While KDITC has been primarily funded by it's founder, Lauren has joined the KDITC team to facilitate additional funding to underwrite KDITC's support in the community to include RAK, scholarships and supporting the arts.
Lauren M. Marshall, M.Ed.
Executive Assistant